We understand that for many of our clients, their focus is not necessarily on retirement planning, but rather on wealth management in the here and now.

You may be building your wealth by progressing up the career ladder; perhaps you have sold a business, or you’ve inherited some assets or money and are now looking for some financial advice.

Investing your excess income and assets appropriately and through environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments may not only bolster your long-term financial security but also your social and environmental impact. However, aside from your longer-term needs, you will probably be looking at some significant expenditures, for example owning your first home, or upsizing to the next; starting a family or helping children with education costs or a property deposit. Either way, you will be needing financial advice on the best ways to invest, protect and grow your wealth in order to provide for your family, enjoy your chosen lifestyle and plan for the future and a sustainable retirement.

Our financial advisers are experts at identifying and prioritising what is important to you, balancing what you want to achieve in the short and long term, and delivering the best ways for you to achieve your goals. Our specialist financial advisers will help you achieve this using our sustainable approach to financial advice.

For more information on how we can advise and support you with your wealth management, please click on the links below.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email info@holden-partners.co.uk or complete the form: