Central to successful investment performance is the establishment of an active asset allocation strategy for each of our clients. Striking the correct balance is essential, and achieved by investing proportionately in each of the different asset classes; the main types being equities, fixed income, property, alternative investments and cash.

Of course, this balance of assets also depends upon the risk attitude of our clients. Each client is therefore required to complete a risk profile questionnaire which helps establish the relevant level of risk they are willing to tolerate within a portfolio.

In addition to this we consider:

  • short term needs
  • tax issues

We make active use of model portfolios which are designed to suit all investors, from cautious to growth and adventurous, with conventional and sustainable versions of each. These form the starting point for each client’s portfolio. Subsequently, a bespoke investment plan can be constructed that is tailored to meet each client’s individual needs.

On an ongoing basis we will advise on which specific investments to retain, purchase or sell.


Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email info@holden-partners.co.uk or complete the form: