Pension and Retirement Planning
We understand that retirement means different things to different people. For some, it’s stopping work at 65; for others, it’s a more gradual process which may involve reducing your working hours in the run-up to finishing work entirely.
Whichever approach you take, and whatever age you would like to retire, now is the time to focus on the life you want to have when you’re ready to stop working.
Our retirement planners explore every option so that you can make informed decisions about when and how you would like to retire and how to achieve this.
For more information on how we can advise and support you, and help you achieve a sustainable retirement from our investment advice, please click on the links below.

Lifetime cash flow analysis
It’s important to understand your income and expenditure. Our financial advisers can help you plan for your future through a cash flow model.

Pensions & retirement
Our retirement planners can help you to make the most of pension legislation and tax efficiency whilst you’re saving and provide financial advice when you need to create income or capital from your pension to achieve a sustainable retirement.

Tax planning
We’ll help you maximise tax efficiency by making use of available tax reliefs, allowances, tax wrappers and investment products.