A review of tax planning to maximise your net income, business and family assets should always be high on your personal financial agenda. We can help by ensuring that you are maximising tax efficiency in all areas by making use of available tax reliefs, allowances via pensions, tax efficient tax wrappers and investment products. We will also be able to inform you of any changes in tax legislation that could impact you.

Tax is a complex area and several factors will determine the amount of tax you should pay each year. With careful planning, we can help you to increase your tax efficiency and reduce your tax bill.

Income Tax

We aim to address any Income Tax related issues as part of the advice process, to maximise tax savings in the face of changing legislation. We will consider all forms of income (such as earnings, rental, investment dividends and pension) and take into account the annual allowances (personal and dividend) and tax bands.

Careful income tax planning can make a big difference to the amount of tax you pay. Where appropriate, we may recommend investing in assets where income is exempt (ISAs or VCTs) or where Income Tax relief is available (pensions and EIS/VCT/SITRs).

By planning effectively, you should be able to minimise your tax bill. Holden & Partners can help you identify all your areas of tax liability and advise you on ways to become more tax efficient, saving you a significant amount of money over the longer term.

Inheritance Tax (IHT)

Effective IHT planning could save your family hundreds of thousands of pounds. If you haven’t done anything about a potential IHT bill, now is the time to take action. Currently, IHT is charged at 40% on anything you leave over £325,000 when you die (£650,000 for married couples or registered civil partnerships). With rising property prices in recent years, this has resulted in more people being subject to IHT.

The introduction of the Residence Nil Rate Band potentially increases this allowance to £500,000 per person (£1M for a married couple) from 2020/21. However, property must pass to direct descendants and the allowance may not be available for larger estates of over £2M.

There are a range of options for those seeking to reduce their IHT liability upon death, including making a Will, the use of trusts, life assurance and making use of the various exemptions in conjunction with gifting strategies. Following recent changes in legislation, pensions have now become a key estate planning tool.

Holden & Partners have STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) affiliated advisers, who can offer you high quality advice when dealing with your estate planning issues.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

CGT is a tax charge that arises from the disposal of assets, such as shares, funds within a portfolio or buy-to-let properties. If you have made a taxable gain from the sale of property, shares, investments, businesses or any form of capital gain, you should make sure you don’t make unnecessary CGT payments.

The annual CGT allowance reduces the amount of tax you must pay. You only pay CGT on the amount by which your gains exceed this allowance.

This is an area where tax can often be reduced or eliminated by careful ongoing planning. We seek to make use of available allowances and reliefs to reduce future capital gains liabilities. This advice is provided as part of our ongoing service.

Tax Structures

In the UK, there is a wide range of tax efficient investments and structures to consider when considering how best to plan across all of these areas. The main structures currently available include:

  • Individual savings accounts (ISAs)
  • Junior ISAs
  • General Investment Accounts / Non-ISA Portfolios
  • Occupational pension schemes
  • Personal pensions
  • Venture Capital Trusts
  • Enterprise Investment Schemes
  • Social Investment Tax Relief Schemes
  • Business Property Relief Schemes

We can help you find the most suitable solution for your personal situation.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email info@holden-partners.co.uk or complete the form: