Every year we produce an Impact Report as part of our commitment as a B Corp company, it is a great way of making sure that we are making progress on our mission to act for people and planet in the way we run our business.

Our report is here for you to take a look at, but let’s take a look at some of the highlights.

1. Our commitment to NetZero

This year we have signed up to B Corp’s pledge to be a Net Zero business by 2030. This means we have committed to reduce carbon equivalent emissions by as much as possible from their current levels, and offset any residual emissions which cannot be reduced. This is not just about off-setting, it is about actually reducing levels of emissions and will involve maximising the efficiency of the office (i.e. replacing old equipment, fixtures and fittings) along with assessing and switching our suppliers where a more suitable option is available.

2. Making trade offs

It can be hard to explain the benefits of sustainable investing, so we have done some work with AJ Bell to visualise the impact switching to a sustainable portfolio can have if you compared it to other environmentally motivated actions you can take. For example, a £50,000 investment is equivalent to taking your car off the road.

3. Funds in focus

One of the areas we are keen to promote is the vast array of sustainable investments that are available now compared to when we started Holden & Partners. If you take a look at the Impact Report you will see a few examples of the companies that are invested in from Ibedrola (the number one producer of wind power and one of the world’s biggest electricity utilities in Spain, the US, the UK and South America) to Safaricom (a Kenyan mobile network operator headquartered in Nairobi, pioneering mobile money to alleviate poverty).

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth more ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email info@holden-partners.co.uk or complete the form: