Tom has worked in financial services since 2013, joining Holden & Partners in early 2018. Originally from Brighton, Tom moved to London and worked at a financial planning firm for three years before a (very early) career break where he travelled in Asia before living and working at a large financial planning firm in Melbourne. Tom’s previous experience before joining Holden & Partners was predominantly in mortgages however, he made the switch to financial planning upon joining us.

Outside of work

In his spare time, Tom enjoys cycling, music festivals and planning his next adventure.
In 2020, Tom became a Guinness world record holder with three of his colleagues at Holden & Partners, for the fastest time to travel the Thames by pedalo.


Tom completed his Diploma in Financial Planning in 2020 and is now well on the way to becoming Chartered.



R01 – Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.

R02 – Investment Principles

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.

R05 – Financial Protection

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse financial protection planning issues.

CF6 – Certificate in Mortgage Advice

This qualification develops an understanding of the sector and the mortgage process, enabling advisers to meet individual client needs.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email or complete the form: