Stefani Williams

Awards & Accreditations

Working across all areas of financial planning, Stefani provides her clients with a personal and tailored wealth management service.

With a keen interest in financial coaching as well as financial advice, Stefani helps her clients achieve clarity over their finances. She takes the time to gain an understanding of her clients’ individual situations, needs and aspirations in order to support them to achieving their lifetime financial goals. She is devoted to her client’s financial health and wellbeing.

She works with her clients to ensure they make well-informed financial decisions by implementing a financial plan, which provides clarity on what action they need to take to meet their overall objectives (e.g. retirement provision, school fee planning or even just putting together a general framework together) As her clients’ circumstances and aspirations evolve over time, their plans are reviewed and adjusted, at each review, or sooner should it be necessary.

Stefani is passionate about sustainable investing. She ensures that her client’s individual environmental and ethical considerations are placed at the forefront of their financial and investment planning. Her areas of expertise include tax-efficient investing, retirement planning (both pre and post-retirement), inheritance tax planning and arranging protection.

Stefani works alongside her network of professional connections such as lawyers and accountants, to ensure that all areas of a client’s financial plan are dealt with appropriately. An active member of the financial advice community, Stefani is a champion for increasing diversity in the sector and is keen to play her part in creating change and bringing more women into financial services.

Outside of work

Stefani lives in Surrey with her husband Stuart and two young children – Oscar and Isabella. Outside of work, Stefani is kept busy by Oscar and Isabella’s active social life – you are likely to find her playing dinosaurs or keeping up with the kids inside a soft play area! However, once a babysitter has been appointed, she will splash out on a nice meal to catch up with friends and family.

Stefani loves to travel the world and is a keen skier.



Chart FP – Chartered Financial Planner

Having achieved the APFS designation, advisers can go on to achieve this recognisable benchmark of quality and ethical practice for financial services professionals, elevating financial planning and advice in the public eye to the same standing as other Chartered professions. The holder must demonstrate a combination of experience, financial qualifications, ongoing educational activity (continuous professional development) and ethical behaviour.

STEP Certificate for Financial Services – Trusts and Estate Planning

This qualification is a collaboration between STEP and CLT International (CLTI). This Certificate bridges the divide between solicitors and financial advisers, enabling those in financial services to work more effectively with other professionals

AdvDipIP – Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning

This qualification enables professional advisers to develop specialist planning capabilities, covers topics like: personal tax and trust, business financial, pension and investment planning.

AF1 – Personal Tax and Trust Planning

This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to personal tax and trusts.

AF3 – Pension Planning

This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to personal and corporate pensions.

AF4 – Investment Planning

This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to investments and the management of investment portfolios.

AF5 – Financial Planning Process

This examination assesses the candidate to develop an understanding of the financial planning process when giving advice to clients.

DipFP – Diploma in Financial Planning

This qualification develops advanced technical knowledge and understanding across a broad range of key advisory areas.

R01 – Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.

R02 – Investment Principles

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.

R03 – Personal Taxation

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK taxation system, and the ability to analyse the taxation treatment of individuals and trusts during the investment advice process.

R04 – Pensions and Retirement Planning

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse pension and retirement planning issues.

R05 – Financial Protection

This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse financial protection planning issues.

R06 – Financial Planning Practice

This qualification helps advisers develop and demonstrate their financial planning capabilities.

RQF – Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning

This diploma meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for retail investment advisers, developing core technical knowledge and financial planning capabilities across six core areas.

Certificate in Financial Planning

This qualification develops knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry in general, including regulation and legislation, and the fundamental aspects of customer service, administration and marketing in financial services, and key retail investment products.

Certificate in Life & Pensions

This qualification develops knowledge and understanding of the sector and its activities, key customer needs, solutions and products, and how individuals and organisations work within a regulatory and legislative environment.

CF1 – UK Financial Services, Regulations, and Ethics

This examination covers UK financial services, regulation and ethics.

CF2 – Investment and Risk

This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the risks involved.

CF4 – Retirement Planning

This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the various pension products, the pension tax regime and retirement needs.

CF5 – Integrated Financial Planning

The purpose of this examination is to demonstrate a solid grounding in the financial services industry and its regulation.

ER1 – Equity Release

This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the different types of equity release products, risks to the consumer associated with equity release and application of suitable equity release solutions according to the circumstances of different customers.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email or complete the form: