Holden & Partners is delighted to announce that we have been certified as a ‘B Corporation’.

B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies that value purpose alongside profit and promote a better way of doing business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. In order to attain the certification, Holden & Partners has been independently evaluated against high global standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability1.

B Corps is the only certification that measures a company’s entire social and environmental performance2 and is carried out by B Lab, a global non-profit organisation. You can find out more about B Lab and the independent evaluation here.

The community of B Corps work towards reducing inequality, lowering levels of poverty, achieving a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high-quality jobs. In short, the B Corp certification brings like-minded businesses together to use their profits and growth to reach a greater goal. We are thrilled to join the ranks of companies around the world that are leading the shift towards a new economy, that is better for employees, society and the environment.

Our Managing Partner, Steven Pyne commented that, “We are very proud to be have been awarded B Corp accreditation and to be joining a growing movement of businesses which seek to create a better world both in terms of our environmental impact and the responsibility we all have to our fellow citizens. It is an especially important moment for Holden & Partners as ethical and responsible investing has been an integral part of our firm since our inception in 2003.”

Josh Shaxson, Paraplanner and Head of the Environmental Team, added, “The rigorous assessment involved with becoming a B Corp delves into all aspects of the business. We are fortunate that everyone in the office believes in the inspirational B Corp philosophy – it certainly gave us great position to build from.”

Our new certification coincides with the launch of our new company strapline: “Planning for a Sustainable Future”. This cements our commitment to remaining at the forefront of responsible business practice and ensuring that the needs of tomorrow are not compromised by today’s actions.

We will apply for re-certification every three years to ensure we continue to meet B Corp’s challenging assessment criteria.

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1 https://youtu.be/tlxZjnBEsaI
2 https://bcorporation.eu/certification?_ga=2.187639456.988812319.1592846866-1991478327.1592846866

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