There are a number of financial implications when it comes to divorce such as sharing of assets and  pensions and future financial planning and wealth management. At Holden & Partners our team of independent financial advisers are specialist in providing the necessary financial advice required during a divorce settlement.

Our client was in the midst of getting divorced and we were able to help provide financial clarity and peace of mind in an extremely stressful time. Part of the divorce settlement was a lump sum payment and our client needed to know if the amount would be adequate to meet her immediate and long-term financial needs.

We helped our client build a detailed analysis of assets, liabilities, expenditure, taking into account the day to day essentials, as well as incorporating aspirations, the bigger purchases that would be required in the future, essentials such as car purchase, property repairs and possible end of life care. We created a financial plan with the use of cash flow modelling to ensure the financial settlement could provide a sustainable income for life. We then created a portfolio of investments with an emphasis on producing a sustainable income stream, one that considered the impact of inflation to age 100.

We understood the divorce our client was going through was life-changing and decisions, particularly in respect of finance, were challenging. We structured our financial advice in a manner that made sense to both our client and the legal team responsible for securing the financial settlement. Our client was able to approach the settlement armed with sufficient financial detail to support the claim made.

Today, the situation described above is all too common. However, in this instance our financial adviser was able to assist with some of the practical detail which, if neglected, could have had serious consequences for the client in later life.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 020 7812 1460, email or complete the form: